Saturday, April 27, 2013

Silly Farm Arty Cakes- 1st try

So like last year I had the privilege of watching another companies face painter do full face designs at an area event. And I was SO IMPRESSED by her kit that I had to ask her about it. She said she got it from Silly farm and that they were called arty/rainbow cakes. So I immediately looked it up when I got home. YOWSERS! This awesome kit was nearly $180. BUT I just knew I would have to buy it for next season. So here it is April of 2013 and I have a school event I was hired for and they want to charge the students for FULL FACE designs to recoup the money they are paying me. Like I really needed an excuse to buy a new kit :)

So I get it in the mail 1 day before I am supposed to work the event and I use my  young'uns as lab rats ;P The first thing they wanted was animals like cats and lion masks etc. Here is my first attempts :( BOooooo!!!

So feeling down on myself I decided to try butterflies, lizards and a peacock and Wahlah! I thought they came out pretty nice.
Confidence restored, I went to the event and even though the teachers were offering free cheek art, my full face art was a HIT! I had a line the whole night and they were charging each child $3 a face. Pretty cool.